
Serenity Solo Plays Clock Tower Rewind | Part 1 | How to get NOWHERE FAST

Clock Tower Rewind was originally on the Super Nintendo, before the series moved over to Playstation. It involves a killer with a giant pair of scissors stalking you though a mansion, with no way to kill him. Although you can hide and find things to stop him temporarily so you can carry on looking for things.

In part 1. We get to the mansion and all is fine, until Scissorman makes his appearance and bodies start to pile up. Or not if you do it correctly.

YouTube will always get the first and last fight, to keep the video from being too long, but the full fights will be uploaded for my Patreon members as cut content.

The VoDs only have editing applied to cutting out the Be Right Back Screen and shortening the Stream Starting screen. The episodes on this channel have all none gameplay parts cut completely and have a beginning preview and a licensed song added for the preview to the next episode at the end.

I do not like it when people lazily upload their VoDs without putting any work into making them even slightly different or not adding to it in any way. I prefer to take my time and put some work into it.


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