
The Purgatorians | Alternative Opening Titles | Original Audio Drama Preview

Here are the alternative titles for the big budget, highly ambitious, dark, gritty, horror, thriller and dramatic audio drama The Purgatorians. Beware as this audio drama tackles topics most others shy away from. If you're from the UK, think of Brookside compared to other soaps at the time. It always tried to, and sometimes did, step over the line.

This one has some of the characters not in the original opening titles, but mostly focuses on the bad guys of the show and their victims. Some of the characters here don't have voice actors names credited. This is because they have not been cast yet or the Voice Actors did not provide their credited name before this was created.

The Purgatorians is an audio drama in which no one is safe, no matter age or gender. Think Game of Thrones meets Wayward Pines.

The setting is Serenetia, (Ser-ren-ee-she-a) a strange land in which no-one travels to, they just appear. No-one knows how or why they are there, they just are. They give up looking for home when all seems hopeless and exist there. With a corrupt government, a sadistic council of five and the Purgatorians to deal with, not one month can pass by quietly., this is without the deadly sandstorms that wipe out all but two people, and the Purgatorians, in Serenity every fifteen years. Ten years after the last sandstorm the hero of prophecy arrives. The prophecy tells of the demise of the council and its members and the downfall of 'The Liberator', the leader of the Purgatorians but it speaks not of the Asylum itself.

With twists galore and containing some scenes people may find upsetting or offensive.

This is not a fantasy show, it is centered around real life but in a not so real place. It contains some hard hitting storylines, dramatic and sad. I am hoping the show can run for a while, at least 5 seasons of 52 episodes each. I have stories planned up until series 8. Also 5 feature length Christmas specials and anthology episodes that will give too much away right now if I tell you what they are about.

If the show does well enough, I shall bring it beyond Season 5 for definate. If it continues to do well, I will bring it beyond Season 8 but we really so need to step up production for that as I'm using my own limited funds right now.

The show costs £65,000 per season for what pay the voice actors are getting now. If we manage to get them up to industry standards, this will skyrocket. Also there are subscription and licensing costs, as well as an audio engineer and musician and singers to pay too. That's how big budget this production is. Maybe not as much as a BBC show right now, but more than the average YouTube audio drama.

Music Licensed from Pond5

Stock Media provided by PaBlikMM / Pond5

Buckle up. You're in for a bumpy, emotional ride.


The Purgatorians | Rough Draft Preview | Out of context comedic clips and a very serious scene


The Purgatorians | Original Audio Drama | First Look Extended Opening Titles.