
The Purgatorians WiP | Audio Drama | The Cycles end

The Purgatorians is an audio drama in which no one is safe, no matter age or gender. Think Game of Thrones meets Wayward Pines.

This is a little look at the work in progress of the final ever video trailers for season 1. All the rest will be voice trailers after this, except the final cut of the opening credits. Here is the final day of the cycle in less than 70 seconds. It will act as a prequel teaser to the actual teaser that follows. I just thought I would share a first look.

Please keep in mind that the actual show will be audio only with still images up on screen to show where the scene is set. The Purgatorians will be a very dark audio drama.

The setting is Serenetia, (Ser-ren-ee-she-a) a strange land in which no-one travels to, they just appear. No-one knows how or why they are there, they just are. They give up looking for home when all seems hopeless and exist there. With a corrupt government, a sadistic council of five and the Purgatorians to deal with, not one month can pass by quietly., this is without the deadly sandstorms that wipe out all but two people, and the Purgatorians, in Serenity every fifteen years. Ten years after the last sandstorm the hero of prophecy arrives. The prophecy tells of the demise of the council and its members and the downfall of 'The Liberator', the leader of the Purgatorians but it speaks not of the Asylum itself.

With twists galore and containing some scenes people may find upsetting or offensive.

This is not a fantasy show, it is centered around real life but in a not so real place. It contains some hard hitting storylines, dramatic and sad. I am hoping the show can run for a while, 5 seasons of 27 episodes each. Also 5 feature length Christmas specials and anthology episodes that will give too much away right now if I tell you what they are about.

Buckle up. You're in for a bumpy, emotional ride.

Music is licensed through Epidemic Sound.


The Purgatorians ULTRA EXTENDED Opening Titles | Character Reveals | Ambitious Audio Drama


The Purgatorians | Season 1 Opening Titles | Original Horror, Thriller, Audio Drama