
Serenity Solo Plays | Telltales The Walking Dead | Neighbours Opening Homage/Parody

I could not resist doing this video once I found the Neighbours theme tune. I instantly thought of doing this homage/skit to it using the Dairy Farm storyline in season 1 of TellTales and Skybounds The Walking Dead. Please keep in mind that this is not an actual Let's Play. The Neighbours theme has been legally licensed and allowed to be used.

Normally these are proper Let's plays but if I ever see the opportunity to do something like this with another game I play in the future, I will happily do it. If you end up watching my videos, suggestions would be very helpful if a game I play gives you an idea.

Before you ask why the idiot is in the corner, or he talks too much, please take note that the license states that the songs can't be used for music videos. I asked the support staff of Lick'd about this and they said if I wasn't there, it could be classed as one. Therefore, I am safeguarding the video and the channel.

I will have 2 channels. The VoDs only have editing applied to cutting out the Be Right Back Screen and shortening the Stream Starting screen. The episodes on this channel have all none gameplay parts cut completely and have a beginning preview and a licensed song added for the preview to the next episode at the end.

I do not like it when people lazily upload their VoDs without putting any work into making them even slightly different or not adding to it in any way. I prefer to take my time and put some work into it.