Serenity Solo Plays

Come and join me on adventures throughout the many games we shall play. I may not be the best at them, but at least I’m honest and authentic.

About this Channel:

Are you looking for someone authentic who creates gaming videos on YouTube? Are you looking for someone who will not fake their reactions to the game they are playing? Are you wanting to find a kind and respectful guy who does not believe in any ‘isms and thinks everyone else who does not harm others should be treated equally and with respect?

Then look no further. Serenity Solo Plays is a Let’s Play channel with real reactions, no fake screaming or shouting, and which tries to remain polite to all.

At your leisure, for your pleasure.

All videos are cut down episodes from the Twitch VoDs with legally and officially licensed songs added into a next episode preview and a look back episode at the end of the game.

There are also collections of these that come after the game ends too, so if you would rather just listen to the music without the entire video before it, these videos are for you.

Rated LGBTQIA+E for Everyone.

Serenity Solo Plays is an LGBTQIA+ friendly channel that does not judge others for who they are.

We believe people have the right to live their lives the best way they know how that makes them happy and comfortable, as long as they cause no mental or physical harm to others.

  • Serenity Solo Plays is a gaming channel that focuses on Let’s Plays of a variety of different genres in games. It is run by the creator, director and scriptwriter of The Purgatorians. It was initially set up to help fund the audio drama.

    There are two channels on YouTube, one for full length Twitch VoDs, the other for the cut down episodes which this page focuses on.

    In the words of the host ‘ I don’t like it when people lazily upload raw VoDs to their YouTube channels without putting any work into it’ I spend hours editing these videos down into each episode, cutting out all the talking to chat without playing the game, cutting out the be back soon screens, and adding a ‘coming up’ preview at the beginning and a next episode preview at the end in which I also legally license real chart songs to add into these. I also create a collection video of all the next episode previews, in parts, to bring after the show ends.

    I don’t lazily do this for free. Some months I can spend over £200 licensing songs for these videos as I need to purchase 2 licenses for each song. I am committed to all the channels I run and I will happily put some of my limited funds into trying to make my channels a success.

    If you enjoy gaming content without any kind of toxic behaviour, from a kind and respectable host, although quite foolish at times and not that good a gamer, this is the channel for you.

    There are not that many videos right now as I have to pay for the thumbnails for the audio drama as I can’t afford both at once. Content will continue to flow sporadically until I can afford to take on a thumbnail artist once more.

    If you would prefer to watch me live and chat with me, please check the links section to find my Twitch channel. I am currently on Hiatus since my partner is currently off work sick, but I will be returning Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays between 8am and 2pm UK time as soon as I possibly can.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • I am not fake. I’m not shouting all the time and embellishing or faking my reactions. I am 100% authentic. I pay for licensed tracks to be used at the end of the videos during the ‘next episode preview’ segment. I also create collections of the next episode previews to go live after the game ends. I spend money on my channel, not just for the games and subscription costs.

  • At the moment, being a small channel, it’s older games. Being a small content creator in a sea of bigger ones, playing new games will be lost to the bigger, more successful creators such as JackSepticEye, Markiplier and the like right now. I play a variety of genres but I tend to stay clear of multiplayer games such as Call of Duty and Dead by Daylight. It will mostly focus on horror and RPGs, with some adventure, point and clicks, FMV and puzzle games thrown in.

  • I stream on Twitch, I download the VoDs and attach them to a second channel, just so I have access to them without taking up space in my SSD. I then get to work in cutting down the VoDs into episodes, cutting out all the bits that aren’t needed, so stopping the game to speak to chat, be back soon, starting soon, stream ending screens are cut out completely. I split, copy and paste, and add parts to the coming up segment at the beginning and also more to attach to the end of the previous video for the next episode segment at the end of the video. Looking for songs to license can take me more time than editing the video itself, but I find one, rework the clips to fit it and then render. It can take me 3+ hours to edit an hour long video before rendering begins.

  • The collection videos release in parts, mostly running between 20-30 minutes. They contain all the next episode previews in one video from a select range of episodes. These are for if you want to listen to the songs without all the gameplay before it. It’s also to try and save my watchtime from tanking on the episodes.

  • Yes, there is a Patreon. I am currently trying to get so far in front with it that the members get one year of early access to the episodes. On higher tiers, you will get exclusive footage and montages, exclusive cut content, earlier access Let’s Plays for one specific game per time for tier 3 and more. YouTube only gets the first death and the final fight in a boss fight for example. If I die many times, such as in The Evil Within, in a boss fight, all of this will be cut from the YouTube video but uploaded to Patreon as the full fight. There is also Patreon choice in which they can choose and vote on the game I play next. There will also be extended videos for some specials but these will be sporadic. At the moment my partner is off work so i can’t stream, also I have to focus money on the audio drama thumbnails right now as money could only be allocated to one. For these reasons, videos going live are very sporadic and Patreon is at a standstill right now.

  • Yes, you can spread word about the channel on social media and give us shoutouts on your videos. Getting people to notice the channel can often be considered better than monetary gains to a small content creator.


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